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Ultimate Guide to Hiking Bighorn Canyon Trail Near Escalante, Utah


Nestled in the rugged landscapes near Escalante, Utah, Bighorn Canyon Trail offers an exhilarating hiking experience that captivates with its natural beauty and serene ambiance. This guide has been carefully crafted to provide detailed insights into how to get there, what to expect from the trail, and how to make the most of your hiking adventure.

Quick Facts:

Location: Grand Escalante-Staircase, Near Escalante, Utah

Coordinates: 37.67765709854477, -111.48253408721442

Length: 6 Miles

Difficulty: Moderate

Elevation Gain: 400 Feet

Dog Friendly: No

Getting There: Directions and First Impressions

Located near the heart of Escalante, Bighorn Canyon Trail is accessible via Hole in the Road Road. From the center of Escalante, you are directed eastwards towards the Bighorn Canyon Trailhead by following the clearly marked signs. The journey is straightforward, with a scenic drive that sets the tone for the adventure ahead. Upon arrival, parking is found to be ample, with spaces designed to accommodate a high volume of visitors during peak times. Early arrival is recommended, as spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Word of Caution: Hole in the Rock Road, also known as BLM200, is known to be bumpy and rugged. It tends to develop washboard conditions later in the season, which can cause significant damage to vehicles. Additionally, if rain is expected, reconsider your plans as the dirt road may become impassable. I recommend using a high-clearance vehicle; however, my Infiniti Q50 managed to navigate it, although it was quite challenging. Exercise caution and maintain a slow pace.

The Landscape: What to Expect:

As you embark on the trail, you are greeted by a diverse landscape that is characterized by steep canyon walls and a varied flora that thrives along the canyon’s floor. The presence of Bighorn sheep is a treat, as they are often sighted along the rugged cliffs. Photographers and nature lovers alike are delighted by the panoramic views and the interplay of light and shadow that dances across the vast rock faces.

Trail Difficulty and Length

Difficulty: The Bighorn Canyon Trail is considered moderate in difficulty, catering to hikers with some experience due to its uneven terrain and occasional steep sections. The canyon walls do get quite narrow so a word of caution to those who may be claustrophobic. You may have to remove your backpack and shimmy through the canyon walls. Adequate preparation with water, snacks, and proper hiking gear is recommended to navigate this trail safely and comfortably.

Length: The trail spans approximately 6 miles round-trip, making it a suitable choice for a day hike.

Rules and Regulations: For a Safe and Responsible Hike

Dog-Friendliness: To protect the local wildlife and vegetation, dogs are not permitted on the trail.

Use of Drones: The use of drones on Bighorn Canyon Trail is strictly regulated. Permits are required for all drone activities within the area to ensure the safety and privacy of all visitors, as well as to protect the natural environment. It is advised to check the latest regulations and obtain necessary permits before planning to fly a drone.

Accommodations: Rest Your Weary Legs

After a day on the trail, numerous lodging options are available in the nearby town of Escalante. From cozy bed and breakfasts to more luxurious hotels, accommodations are designed to fit a range of preferences and budgets. Advance booking is highly recommended, especially during the peak hiking seasons.

Recommendations:  I highly recommend Canyon Country Lodge on the outskirts of Escalante. Pets are unfortunately not allowed at this hotel though.

Best Time to Visit: Seasonal Splendors

The ideal times to visit Bighorn Canyon Trail are during the spring and fall months. During these seasons, the weather is generally mild, making hiking more enjoyable and less strenuous. Summer months should be approached with caution due to high temperatures and potential thunderstorms, which can pose hazards such as flash floods.

Conclusion: Take the Leap into Nature’s Embrace

The Bighorn Canyon Trail near Escalante, Utah, is celebrated for its breathtaking vistas and challenging terrain. Whether you are a seasoned hiker looking for your next big adventure or a casual walker wanting to soak in nature’s wonders, this trail promises a rewarding experience. Plan your visit today and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Bighorn Canyon.

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